FALL FOR A MAN By Salome Murro

Fall For A Man…

Fall for a man
Whose smile gives you peace
And when you’re down
Ready to pull you up
And give you a sweet embrace …

Fall for a man
Who falls for you not only romantically
But shows affection in a creative way
Who understands your fire
And knows when to safeguard or stoke…

Fall for a man
Whose words and actions are aligned
Knows how to uplift your spirit
Lead the way
And prided himself to keep his promises…

Fall for a man
Who can love you
Openly, boldly, loudly, and easily
Take care of you
And never take you for granted…

Fall for a man
Who understands your needs
Who knows that in order for a love to flourish
Like plants it needs to be watered
With constant affection and care…

And lastly, fall for a man
Who’s always honest and faithful
Transparent and thoughtful
Well disciplined and with high values
Always put you in priority and knows your worth…

©️I am Sam

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